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Sunday 4 August 2013

Linux common commands

Linux common Commands

To view help about command

Command: man command_name

Creating file with touch 

Command: touch  "file name"

Example : touch "application properties"

Creating file with Contents

Command: cat > file_name press enter button
                          Type file contents
                          Close it with ctrl+Z

Creating Directory command

Command: mkdir directory_name

Creating more than one directory

Command: mkdir directory1 directory2

View current user info

Command: who am i

View Present working directory

Command: pwd

View System time

Command:  date

View current month calender

Command: cal

Shifting LINUX terminal with commands

It has seven terminals( 6 - CUI terminals, 1 - GUI terminal)
Commands:      chvt 1            Short cut: ctrl + alt + F1
                        chvt 2                           ctrl + alt + F2
                        chvt 3                           ctrl + alt + F3
                        chvt 4                           ctrl + alt + F4
                        chvt 5                           ctrl + alt + F5
                        chvt 6                           ctrl + alt + F6
GUI Terminal:  chvt 7                            ctrl + alt + F7

 Shut down

Command : init 0

Creating Hidden Files

Command: touch . filename

Creating Hidden Directory

Command: mkdir . directory_name

Creating hierarchy of directories

Command: mkdir -P directory1 | directory2 | directory3

View file contents

Command: cat filename

Viewing Present working directory contents

Shows the files in the present working directory

Command: ls

Long listing of the files and directories in the present working directory

Command : ls -l

View all files including hidden files

Command: ls -a

Long listing of the files including hidden files

Command: ls -al

Recursively displays directories and sub directories

Command: ls -R

To filter display files list

Command: ls  ?some_text

Command: ls  *some_text

Ranging specifying

Command: ls [a-d]some_text

Command: ls [^a-d]some_text

Changing directory 

Moves one directory up

Command: cd .. 

Three steps back (Some steps back)

Command: cd ../../..

Three steps to front (Some steps to front)

Command: cd directory_name1/directory_name2/directory_name3

Going back to home directroy

Command: cd ~

Going back to previously working directory

Command: cd -

Deleting empty directory

Command: rmdir directory_name

Deleting non-empty directory

Command: rm -r directory_name

Deleting file

Command: rm filename

Moving file(Cut and paste)

Command: mv source     destination

Renaming file

Command: mv old_file_name new_file_name

Copy file

Command: cp source_file_path destination_path

Searching text in file

It is used to search a particular text in a file or in a directory

Command: grep some_text file_name

To search text in present working directory

Command: grep some_text  . 

Command: grep some_text directory_name

Creating user

Command: useradd user_name

Command: passwd user_name

Deleting user

The following command deleted user but does not delete directory from home directory

Command: userdel user_name

To delete user along with the directory at home

Command: userdel -r user_name

Process Killing

Command: kill i_node_number

To view current list of users logged in along with personal information

Command: finger

Changing Permissions after creating file

The following command gives permissions read, write and execute to owner, group and others

Command: chmod  777

 Example to give write permissions to user

Command: chmod u+w

Example to remove write permissions to user

Command: chmod u-w

Example to give write permissions to  group

Command: chmod g+w

Example to remove write permissions to  group

Command: chmod g-w

 Example to give write permissions to others

Command: chmod o+w

Example to remove write permissions to others

Command: chmod o-w

To view all previously executed commands

Command:  histroy

To display first n number of lines of the file

Command: head -n file_name

Example: head -2 file_name

It displays first two lines of the file

 To display last n number of lines of the file

Command: tail -n file_name

Example: tail -2 file_name

It displays last two lines of the file

Displaying multiple files simultaneously 

Command: pate file_name_1 file_name_2 file_name_3


Command: tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' file_name

Sorting file contents

Command: sort file_name

Going to other shell

Simply type shell name : sh

dfh command

It displays - device name, total blocks, total disk space, used disk space, available disk space and mount points on a file system.

-h Human Readable format

su - substitute user or switch user
su – another_user

ps -command

This command is used to view processes running on the system.

Examle : ps –ef | grep apache

chown chnages owner or group ownership.

1       1) home/abc_dir$ chown new_owner_user  helloworld.txt
the above command changes holloworld.file owner to “new_owner_user”.
          2)      home/abc_dir$ chown new_owner_user  *
The above command changes contes of abc_dir and sub folders owner to “new_owner_user”.
          3)      home/abc_dir$ chown new_owner_user:web_group  helloworld.txt
the above command changes holloworld.file owner to “new_owner_user” and owner group to “web_group”.
          4)      home/abc_dir$ chown new_owner_user: web_group  *

The above command changes contes of abc_dir and sub folders owner to “new_owner_user” and owner group to “web_group”.

Locate Linux command:
This command is used to find the locations of files and directories in Linux.
Syntax:locate options names
Example 1: locate abc.png
The following example displays only screenful of output at a time.
Example2: locate "*.html" | less

nslookup(name server lookup) command:

Syntax: nslookup domain_name

Example: $ nslookup csesss-lx00034

It transforms domain name to IP address.

more command:

It shows first page contents.
Syntax: more file_name 

press space bar to view next page contents.
press enter to view next line contents.

Vi Editor commands: 

It opens existing file, if file exists other wise it creates.

vi file_name 

Following commands opens file in read mode

vi –R file_name
view file_name

Closes file after writing changes to file.


Closes file without writing changes to file.


Moves cursor to starting of the current line if file is not in insert mode.


Moves cursor to end of the current line if file is not in insert mode.


x  - removes one character in command mode.

Running shell script:

It runs specified shell script file.

Syntax 1:  ./

Syntax 2: sh

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