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Tuesday 10 September 2013

Java Compliance Violations

Java Compliance Violations

Avoid dead store to local variable.
Avoid dead store of null to local variable.
Avoid unused imports.
Avoid unused variables and private methods.
 Method names, Member names, Local Variable names must start with small case and remaining 
words first letter must be capital. All letters of constant names must be capital.                         
 If Else statements and For loops must contain braces even for a single line also.
Avoid method uses the same code for two branches (Like if and else both containing same code)
Avoid Method concatenates strings using + in a loop (Use StringBuffer or StringBuilder instead)
Avoid Duplicate Literals
Avoid Unnecessary Local before Return
Avoid Empty If else blocks
Avoid Magic Number
Avoid Possible null pointer deference
Avoid Method call passes null for non null parameter
Modifier order (Should follow public/protected/private, abstract, static, final, transient, volatile,  synchronised, native, strictfp)

Preserve the actual exception object always as shown below
catch (Exception exception) {
        log.error("AbcImpl - testmethod-" +exception.getMessage());
        UserDefinedException userException
            = new UserDefinedException("AbcImpl - testmethod-" + exception.getMessage(), exception);
        throw userException;
Performance :

       Avoid using nested loops - for, while , do-while
       Avoid creating string literals and try to use string builder and string buffer objects
       Avoid recursive calls of functions
       Avoid creating collection objects under loops - like list, set, map and queue
       First clear the collection before re-setting the collection, otherwise for large amount of data case it
       it appends all ways to existing object and then
         collection occupies maximum memory and it leads to memory leak and 
         it would not reset that collection.

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